//Nun wins award for best reportage on Dalit, Tribal issues

Nun wins award for best reportage on Dalit, Tribal issues

By Matters India Reporter

New Delhi, Aug 20, 2023: A Catholic nun from southern India has won this year’s award for best reportage on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe.

The Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) that gives the annual award says it chose Sister Robancy A. Helen for authentically and consistently being the voice of people’s rights, especially the poor Dalits who are susceptible to exploitation and injustice.

Sister Helen, a member of the Messengers of May of Magnificat congregation, has regularly contributed to various magazines and news portals, including Matters India, on Dalit issues. She has penned more than 150 articles on various issues in the past five years.

She is currently working on doctoral studies and training Catholic youth in leadership and social issues.

Through the power of reporting, and analytical writings, Sister Helen amplifies various aspects of Dalits who have been sidelined by the elite, powerful, and societal structures, says an ICPA press release announcing the award.

“She critically analyzes the deeper aspects of Dalits’ and Tribals’ exploitation and subjugation; she has extensively written about the injustice they face on many fronts. She has also written many success stories of the Dalit Christians, which had a great impact in her life itself.,” the August 20 statement adds.

The press organization hailed the nun’s “sincerity and perseverance in highlighting the rights of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes” and her grit, courage and conviction. Her writings showcase hopes and resilience that the deprived people and communities show despite many challenges, deprivations and exploitation, the statement says.

The SC/ST Special Award was instituted by the ICPA and sponsored by the CBCI Office for Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes to promote the welfare of the marginalized people.

The award will be conferred on September 23 during the 28th National Convention of Christian Journalists, organized by the ICPA, scheduled to be held at Ashir Bhawan, Kochi, Kerala.